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Shipping and delivery of used offset machinery are critical aspects of the transaction that should be clearly defined in the sales agreement to ensure a smooth and secure process for both the buyer and seller. Here are some considerations and terms to include:

1. **Delivery Terms**: Specify the agreed-upon delivery terms. Common terms include:
  - **Ex Works (EXW)**: The buyer is responsible for all shipping costs and arrangements from the seller's location.
  - **Free On Board (FOB)**: The seller is responsible for shipping the machinery to a specific location, and the buyer takes responsibility from that point forward.
  - **CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight)**: The seller covers the cost of shipping, insurance, and freight to a named destination, and the buyer is responsible for unloading and additional costs.

2. **Delivery Location**: Clearly define the exact delivery location, including any specific instructions for unloading the machinery.

3. **Shipping Costs**: Specify which party is responsible for covering shipping costs. Be explicit about who will pay for transport, insurance, and any additional expenses.

4. **Transportation Method**: Determine the mode of transportation (e.g., truck, ship, air) and specify any preferred carriers or shipping companies.

5. **Insurance**: Clarify whether the seller or the buyer is responsible for insuring the machinery during transit. Clearly define the insurance coverage and terms.

6. **Delivery Timeline**: Establish a specific timeline for delivery and define any penalties or consequences for delays. Consider factors like customs clearance for international shipments.

7. **Customs and Import/Export Duties**: Outline which party is responsible for handling customs clearance and paying import/export duties and taxes. Ensure compliance with all relevant customs and trade regulations.

8. **Risk of Loss or Damage**: Clearly state when the risk of loss or damage transfers from the seller to the buyer. This is often linked to the delivery terms agreed upon.

9. **Inspection Upon Delivery**: Define a process for the buyer to inspect the machinery upon delivery. Specify the timeframe and conditions for accepting or rejecting the machinery based on the inspection.

10. **Documentation**: Specify the required shipping and delivery documentation, including bills of lading, packing lists, and certificates of origin, if applicable.

11. **Title and Ownership**: Clarify when ownership and title to the machinery transfer from the seller to the buyer. This is typically upon full payment but may be subject to the agreed terms.

12. **Dispute Resolution**: Define how any disputes or disagreements related to shipping and delivery will be resolved, such as through negotiation, mediation, or legal action.

13. **Force Majeure**: Include a clause addressing unforeseen circumstances (e.g., natural disasters, strikes) that might affect shipping and delivery timelines.

14. **Communication**: Ensure clear and timely communication between the parties involved in the shipping and delivery process.

15. **Governing Law**: Specify the jurisdiction and governing law that will apply in case of legal disputes related to shipping and delivery.

It's crucial to have a comprehensive written agreement that both the buyer and seller understand and agree upon before proceeding with the shipment of used offset machinery. Consulting with legal counsel or an experienced logistics professional can be beneficial to ensure that the terms and conditions are legally sound and practical.